Do you need a private school loan but have bad credit? Does it look like you have no place to turn for help? There are places that provide loans just for your situation. You can also rebuild your credit by using these services.
Options available to secure a loan with bad credit
1. Have someone cosign on the loan
Not only is this a quick way to secure the loan but you can also get a better interest rate. This can help take some of the strain off you while trying to complete your studies. Let the person cosigning for you that this is an investment in your future. You will be able to make a lot more money with a college education and will maintain a higher wage throughout life.
2. Using collatoral to secure your loan
There are companies that let you use many forms of collatoral to secure loans. Keep in mind this hold will stay on your colloatoral for the entire loan until paid off.
3. Friends or family members
Friends and family members can hold a personal stake in seeing you succeed and they can help out with expenses while going to school as well as loans.
It is better to get a friend or family member to co-sign for a private school loan if possible. This will help on interest rates, cause you less stress, and be an easier process to get the loan.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
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